Things that will keep your relationship from failing

Imagine your partner telling you I am unhappy with you and I don’t know why. I can’t explain it but I just need some space from you. Your first instinct would be to look for a reason right? But unfortunately for most of those who this has happened to, say it came from nowhere and nothing was wrong, everything was as usual.  

This is why this article is so important for you to read. Nothing comes from nowhere and you don’t want to find yourself one day thinking you are in a happy relationship and the next, single not knowing what just happened. Yes I know what you are thinking, oh I bet you anything they got someone on the side they want to promote to official ranks. That’s why out of “nowhere” they want to end the relationship. Although this might be true in some cases. These are not the people I am talking about in this article. I am talking about the honest to goodness couples who just drift away from each other and one day they are so far apart they didn’t realize how far they truly were from each other. 

64% of Americans report to be very happy in their relationships. According to “The Happiness Index: Love and Relationships in America” report commissioned by eharmony and conducted by Harris Interactive. However, that leaves 36% of Americans in relationships they are somewhat happy with or just straight out unhappy. That’s insane to me and it kills me as a life coach to know that there are couples out there that need just a little guidance to save their relationships. So now the question from me to you is where do you think your relationship falls? Is it in the very happy category or in the not so happy category?

Sorry, I went so dark in making my point on how important it is for you to learn these wonderful things that will keep your relationship from failing. I am just so passionate about keeping you and your partner happy and madly in love with each other.  So without further ado here is the list of the wonderful things I recommend you do with your partner. 

Make decisions and let your partner make decisions. It is important for both of you to wear the decision-making hat at some point. Of course don’t do it at the same time lol that just becomes a mess lol. This exercise is to push both of you to find a voice within the relationship and increase your confidence in your partner. 

Make an effort to understand what is their love language. What I mean by this is pay attention as to how they like to be loved. Some people like gifts others like me prefer a warm homemade meal. If you want more info on the subject here is a wonderful book that explains all the love languages. Click on this link >>>> Amazon Love Languages Book  

Talk about your childhood. I know this one sounds odd but childhood is our foundation for everything. So if you want to be in a happy relationship you got to be vulnerable and share the good as well as the bad of your childhood. You will be surprised as how much this could bring you closer together. 

Don’t get comfortable. Continuously make an effort to impress your partner. This is one of the biggest mistakes we can make in a relationship, we should never get too comfortable. Remember a routine gets boring and boring never equals happiness. 

Try to do at least one thing together a week. It doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s working out together or as simple as cleaning the closet together. By doing anything together you build a closer bond, a better understanding of how each other works and what you guys are good at individually as well as together. 

Create a list of goals that you have both as individuals and as a couple. This will give you a great idea of how you both fit into each others stories and perhaps how you can help accomplish those goals. 

Make sure when communicating you don’t leave anything up for interpretation. As I have learned in my years of life coaching, common sense is not so common. What is relatively self explanatory to you might not be for your partner. This is one of the biggest reasons couples argue so don’t open that door as it is hard to close without someone getting their feelings hurt. 

Do daily, weekly, monthly and yearly check-ins. You must likely live a busy life and so does your partner so it is important to have check-ins. One, it communicates to your partner that they matter. Two, you are creating a designated time and space for anything that needs to be talked about to be talked about. This practice can literally save your relationship as it prevents couples from having conversations at the wrong time or when one of them is not ready to talk yet.